Working Bee sign up

There are always many things that need doing to make a school look this fantastic. Could you please volunteer 2 hours of your time after school on Friday 15th November from 3:15 to help in a working bee?

Friday 15th November, straight after school.
(This article is also located on the Karingal Heigths PS Website if you are accessing a non-active form)


Tools to bring:
Although the school has some shovels, rakes and 2 wheelbarrows, we will need more to be able to complete the tasks. If you could please bring some with you, that would be helpful.
  • Wheelbarrows
  • Rakes
  • Orbital Sander (needed to lightly sand the stage deck)
  • Gardening/pruning equipment

Come and enjoy some sausage roll and party pies after the working bee.

Thank you in advance.
Jeremy Bodley