Principal's Message


At Karingal Heights Primary School we offer a welcoming environment where children are educated and cared for. The skilled and dedicated staff at Karingal Heights Primary School are committed to providing high quality teaching and learning in an engaging, respectful and supportive learning environment. wellbeing is nurtured and children are able to develop optimism while working towards their personal best individually and in the context of their school and wider community. Children are important individuals so we help them develop the skills necessary to make and keep friends, stay safe, help others and ask for help when they need it.

Another important group which completes our school's community are our parents, grandparents, carers, friends and community members. Children learn best when cooperative partnerships are developed between home and school so we truly value your involvement in your child's education. We value any and all parental involvement. we understand that many parents may be working and unable to give very much time. any amount is fantastic, because we know from experience that when a parent is involved in their child's education, that child has a greater likelihood of achieving their best. many opportunities exist for you to make a positive contribution to our school. We look forward to establishing open lines of communication with you.

Once again, we welcome you to our school and know that your experience here will be a positive and enjoyable one.

Jeremy Bodley
